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BASIC Bank Ltd - Officer - 15.05.2009 ||

All Question

Ask Question?
I work everyday
I'm a piano teacher
I worked two hours
All of these
none of these
Can you help me?
Help me
Would you mind giving me a hand?
All of these
none of these
Staff mustn't use company lounge
Staff doesn't have to file holiday request before they leave
Staff shouldn't expect a response before next week
All of these
none of these
Would you mind repeating thst
I'm afraid i don't see your point
I'm afraid i cann't see the tower
All of these
none of these
I think you should to go home now
I think you should going to docter
I think you should tell him to come
All of these
none of these
ran/was going
will run/would go
had run/is going
have run/will be going
none of these
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